Give us your ideas, your examples, your jumbled thoughts yearning to be coherent, the unfiltered brilliance of your grinding mind.
Send these, the unfinished, half-written to us, as we unravel and understand this prompt!
Do you want to start your statement with a poem? Should you use a first-person or third-person perspective? Our consultants will help you be as creative as you want while keeping you accountable to the prompt.
Readers want to feel what you feel, see what you see. To capture your true self on paper, our consultants will help you pick and elaborate on certain examples and experiences to ensure that your point comes across strong.
Your personal statement should tell a story. But a story that has too many surprises leaves the reader confused. Our consultants will provide guidance and feedback on how to connect your ideas and examples so reading it is as smooth as can be.
You will leave every brainstorming session with:
Your OSO (one-sentence overview)
Examples you will use
Structure that makes logical sense
Confidence to write your draft
How do we start?
Prepare a Word or PDF version of the prompt.
During the booking, upload the prompt, specify the word limit, and give us a time frame.
Have the session with your consultant.
Book a session with a consultant.
Within 24 hours*, we will reach out to you to schedule a video or audio meeting time.
You are full of new ideas and ready to write, without ever leaving the comfort of your own home!
Ethics Disclaimer
Consultants will build off of ideas and examples you already have in mind, but we will not do your brainstorming for you.
This is a non-negotiable policy.